Do you want to look in the mirror and love what you see?

Hi, I’m Angela Hancock, and I want to help you fall in love with yourself!

Yes, you read that right, I want you to fall in love with every aspect of yourself and that involves so much more than losing weight: I’m talking about gaining confidence, shedding insecurities and rediscovering the REAL you.

This is your opportunity to create sustainable, healthy lifestyle habits that will give you the best chance of maintaining optimal health, and becoming the best version of yourself: in mind, body and spirit, however that looks to you.

“When you partner with me, I can guarantee that I will believe in you before you believe in you …. until then, borrow my faith, trust in the process and prepare for the magic to happen.”

Raising the Bar on Health

I’ve worked with thousands of stressed out, exhausted women, to help them reignite the passion and joy of living that daily life had washed away.  No more overwhelm, self-doubt and anxiety.  Instead energy, mental clarity and a renewed lust for life!

Sounds too good to be true, but don’t underestimate the power of my 30-day Isagenix reset program. It is the ideal way to kickstart your metabolism and catapult you towards the life you dream of. Shake-off the burden of low self-esteem and embrace your goddess within!  The quality of the nutrients contained in this 30 Day regime and the easy to follow system means that it works FAST … which means that you see results quickly to help you stay motivated.

But it’s not just the pace that makes me LOVE this program, it’s because it is actually super fun to do and creates LASTING changes that are easy to maintain!

The average weight loss for 30 Day Reset clients ranges from 3kg to 6kgs, and in the process you’ll also gain new friends, self-confidence and a greater understanding of how to take control of your own health.

You will love this “plug and play” system, almost as much as you love how incredible it makes you feel every single day!

Get ready to feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED every single day

Reclaim your choices. Reclaim your life!

I’m so excited about sharing this incredible program with all of you.  It’s not about quick and temporary results. I want you to create a strong foundation for lasting change! Everything you need to make this change is already inside of you – I just want to teach you how to access it!

I’ve learned SO much in my 20+ years in the wellness industry and I want to share that knowledge with you. The full package includes HEAPS of great material that will make the whole process easier and fun. I’ll be sharing my favourite recipes with you, a fuss-free meal plan, workouts and movement guides, and mindset material. It’s the ultimate roadmap for success and I’m SO proud to be able to share it with you.

Commit to yourself, take back the control you’ve relinquished and start falling in love with YOU again!

I can’t wait to hear that you SMILE when you look in the mirror, or that you feel fabulous in your skinny jeans and that you’re no longer hiding at the back when someone takes a photo. My favourite though is when you’ll tell me that you feel better now than you did 20 years ago.  I KNOW how good it feels because I’ve been there and now, I want to take you there. I want you to feel as proud of yourself as I know I will feel about you!

Join my community of like-minded individuals and surround yourself with vibrant, supportive, positive and inspiring people.

Backed by ground-breaking scientific research and formulated with the best quality ingredients, especially designed to support optimal health and healthy weight management.

My Program Includes:


Nutritional program with easy-to-follow directions

Exercise videos to fast-track weight-loss


Guides and Information Sheets

Mindset videos to help keep you motivated and inspired

Recipe eBooks

Daily emails


“A year ago, I couldn’t wear these shorts because they were too small. A result of lockdown and discovering I was a good baker. Although it was fun in the sun, was it worth it? No, it wasn’t, it left me feeling awful, heavy, tired, old and completely washed up. I had totally lost myself. Then I discovered the 30 day reset…. and the rest is history! I have my life and my health back in abundance. This photo was taken exactly a year to the day since I said yes to these wonderful products. The day I changed my life forever.”


“I have 3 sweet babies, youngest being 5 months old! Just finished another IsaBody Challenge and on a mission to ignite mamas to live a life of fulfilment!

This nutritional cleansing lifestyle really is the key with 80% nutrition towards hitting your goals! In these few weeks I only went to the gym twice a week and went from 31% body fat to 15% body fat. It is such a gift!”


About Me

Hi, I’m Angela

I have over 25 years’ experience in the fitness industry and I firmly believe that healthy living should be easy and above all FUN!

It is a privilege to be able to use my nutritional system to help people reclaim their lives. I want you to confidently go to your wardrobe and rock ANY outfit and to stop hiding in the back every time someone pulls out a camera. I want you to feel amazing every single day!

Why should you choose me?

Because your success is my success and I am committed to helping you reconnect with the person you were born to be!

Contact Angela

Do you have any questions? Please send us a message by filling the information below:

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